Ford: Official Manufacturer Partner for The Mobility Roadshow 2017.
Kim Henson reports.
The Mobility Roadshow, organised by Goose Live Events on behalf of Mobility Choice, is delighted to welcome Ford as the official Manufacturer Partner for the 2017 event. (NAEC Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, 1st to 3rd June.)
The Mobility Roadshow (incorporating Get Going Live!) is the original and largest test-drive event of its kind in the UK for consumers. It provides free and unique opportunities for people living with restricted mobility to test drive the latest specialist conversions and accessible vehicles in the presence of experienced professional drivers. The popular Get Going Live! feature focuses on the needs of young and disabled drivers, aged 16 plus, offering the chance to test-drive a variety of vehicle adaptations, from basic push-pull controls to hi-tech options, including drive-from-wheelchair models. In addition, visitors of all ages are able to compare and contrast the latest innovations for enhanced mobility including wheelchairs, ramps, car boot hoists and in-vehicle safety systems.
The Show will be opened at 10am on 1st June by disabled racing driver Nicolas Hamilton, brother of Lewis, who is inspirational in encouraging young disabled drivers to get behind the wheel and gain independent mobility. His approach is a prime example of ‘You can do anything if you put your mind to it’.
A long-term supporter of The Mobility Roadshow, Ford has been the largest supplier of vehicles to Motability since 2012. They account for one in five of the vehicles delivered via the Motability scheme, which was set up to help disabled people, their families and carers become mobile. Ford Motability is said to provide an extensive range of award-winning cars that deliver versatility and space without compromising on performance, driveability or style, and access to the largest support network of any vehicle manufacturer.
At this year’s Stoneleigh Mobility Roadshow, Ford will be supplying a selection of vehicles. All of these test-drive vehicles are fitted with push-pull hand controls and left foot accelerators as well as an instructor brake.
Ann Frye, Chair of Mobility Choice, comments: “Ford has long been a valued supporter of the Mobility Roadshow and we are delighted that this year they have chosen to be our Official Manufacturer Partner. Their range and choice of vehicles – with the opportunity for test drives – will be of huge interest to our many visitors keen to find the best mobility solutions for themselves and their families.”
Alex White, Ford of Britain Motability Manager, comments: “The Mobility Roadshow is an excellent opportunity for Ford to showcase a range of our vehicles, highlighting their compatibility with a range of popular adaptations thus making them bespoke for an individuals’ needs. In addition to this, we will have more automatic and adapted vehicles available for test drive than at any other show in 2017. We are proud to be the Official Manufacturer Partner of such an important event in the Industry.”
About The Mobility Roadshow:
The Mobility Roadshow is the UK’s premier consumer-focused mobility and lifestyle event, showcasing products and services to help maintain independent mobility. The show, which celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2013, is organised by registered charity Mobility Choice.
For 2017, The Mobility Roadshow returns to the NAEC Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, where visitors will have the opportunity to test drive adapted and specialist vehicle conversions as well as try out the very latest innovations in the mobility market.
About Mobility Choice:
As a registered charity, Mobility Choice delivers the latest mobility advice, news and support to assist disabled individuals with enhanced independence. It was established in 1998 with the primary role of organising The Mobility Roadshow, originally set up by The Department of Transport. It has continued to pioneer inclusion for all through a series of additional programmes and events, including the test-driving ‘Get Going Live!’ experience for young and novice disabled drivers.
About Goose Live Events:
Goose Live Events is a dynamic live events agency based in Surrey, UK, with over ten years’ experience in corporate and public events. Goose has an extensive portfolio of corporate clients, including AstraZeneca, Bentley Motors, Costa, Harley-Davidson, Lamborghini, Unilever, Syngenta, Mondi plc and Luxottica. In addition to delivering a range of live events and conferences for its corporate clients, Goose Live Events also owns and manages Silverstone Classic, the world’s biggest classic motoring festival. Other public events managed by Goose Live Events include the Regent Street Motor Show, the UK’s largest free-to-view motor show, and the Bonhams London to Brighton Veteran Car Run supported by Hiscox, the longest-running motoring event in the world.
For more information, visit www.goose.co.uk or connect with Goose via Twitter @GooseLiveEvents.