Given their chance, efuels (synthetic fuels) could help us and the planet!! Kim Henson writes: The German fuelling association ‘UNITI’ has very recently presented the second edition of the European magazine “Efuels Report Europe”, and I have just studied in depth its 28 pages… This comprehensive document sets out in detail, and in a balanced manner considering many aspects, the challenges … [Read more...]
HIF (Highly Innovative Fuels) Global and its partners start production of carbon-neutral eFuel in Chile
Good news! First quantities of synthetic fuels produced at the Haru Oni plant in Chile, by HIF (Highly Innovative Fuels) Global and its partners... HIF tells us: Chile Minister of Energy and Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport attend ceremony marking the beginning of a new era: Carbon-neutral eFuels to accelerate decarbonisation now. HIF Global’s Haru Oni Demonstration Plant … [Read more...]
Could ‘E-Fuels’ make sense amidst a headlong dash towards vehicle electrification?
What about 'E-Fuels'? Vehicle electrification is widely being pushed as 'the' answer to achieving carbon neutral transportation in the near future. Yet the seemingly sensible alternative/supplementary option of using environmmentally-kind liquid 'E-Fuels' could have much to offer, while still being able to use the existing supply network and infrastructure... Kim Henson reports on a recent … [Read more...]