Keep Your Tyres in Good 'Elf' is Tyresafe's message for their Christmas campaign, promoted by 'Santa's Little Helpers'! They tell us: (All words and the image from Tyresafe). This December, TyreSafe, the UK's tyre safety organisation, is launching a whimsical and educational tyre safety campaign like no other: 'Keep Your Tyres in Good 'Elf.' The campaign features Santa's mischievous … [Read more...]
First MoT delay may affect road safety, says Tyresafe…
Extending MoT will increase the number of defective vehicles and tyres on Britain's roads, according to Tyresafe... They tell us: This week, the Department for Transport (DfT) and Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) announced a consultation on the proposal to ‘change the date at which the first MOT for new light vehicles is required from 3 to 4 years.’. The proposal comes as … [Read more...]
Avoid a Brakedown! Keep your brakes in top condition…
The importance of having effective, high-quality brakes on your vehicle. (Note: This feature incorporates sponsored content). All cars have brakes, of course, among the most critical of safety components, and it's crucial to comprehend what they do. Many people are unaware of how a car's braking system operates. With a disc brake set-up, as used in most modern vehicles, when you press the … [Read more...]
Winter is coming – prepare your car and drive with care to stay safe on the roads
Think ahead to prepare your vehicle and ready yourself for the challenges of driving through the next few months... With winter on its way, it is wise to check your vehicle for the months ahead and also to prepare yourself for the inevitable cold, damp, foggy days that are typically part of Britain's climate between now and next spring. Kim says, "The link below will take you to what I feel is … [Read more...]
‘Fost and Frog’? Take care on those wintry roads…
Frost and fog – either can be lethal; together they make a dreadfully dangerous combination. Kim Henson advises driving with extra special care when visibility is poor and temperatures are low at the same time, as is happening right now in Britain… Yesterday evening I was obliged to make a short car journey in town, to get home, and the road conditions were awful, with thick fog reducing … [Read more...]
Driving on Flooded Roads – Kim’s Tips
Advice to help you stay safe and keep motoring, from Kim Henson. The recent very heavy and persistent rain has resulted in widespread flooding in many parts of the country. This can make driving very hazardous and certainly has the potential for wrecking your vehicle, if not risking life and limb. However, if you keep your head and don’t panic, you should be okay; just think carefully… The … [Read more...]