MILESTONE NEWS YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED – EDITION 10… …By David Miles (Miles Better News Agency). Despite the roads-of-life starting to reopen with shops, businesses, car manufacturers and dealerships getting the wheels of business moving again, I’m still sifting through automotive news you might have missed until my first new model road test car arrives at the end of this week – … [Read more...]
David Miles’ Motoring News Round-up No. 6
MOTORING MILESTONE NEWS YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED. David Miles (Miles Better News Agency) enlightens us… Another week has gone by and here I am still keeping calm and carrying on despite very mixed messages from our Government about what we can or should do during – now it appears – slightly relaxed semi lock-down period. But no longer is it the same rules in each of our four domestic … [Read more...]
David Miles’ Motoring News Round-up No. 5
MOTORING MILESTONE NEWS YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED… …By David Miles (Miles Better News Agency). I’m still keeping calm and carrying on sifting through the latest automotive news items and press releases pinging into my Inbox. Whilst the COVIC-19 news is not good there are some brighter worthwhile snippets of information worth passing on. New life goes on - Toyota Corolla proves reliant for … [Read more...]
David Miles’ Motoring News Round-up No. 3
A look at some aspects you may have missed during the last week… Our comprehensive guide is David Miles (Miles Better News Agency). As the COVID-19 lock-down continues for another three weeks at least the motoring world needs to carry on, as does our service to supply interesting news items you may have overlooked. Here are a few I have selected for this week’s ‘Miles on the road motoring … [Read more...]