‘The History of the Wheel’ – and how important wheels are to us all…
Kim Henson writes…
With a website name like ‘Wheels-Alive’, we ought to be interested in wheels, and of course we are!
I am indebted to Teacher Martin who has written to me to advise of an after-school education programme in which she is involved, for a “special group of children”. She tells me that they have been looking at technology and how important various different discoveries have been to the world, and indeed how they have changed the world.
Emily and Melissa, within the group, discovered this link (please see below), all about how the wheel has revolutionised the world, and Teacher Martin thought that it would be good to share it (she also says that she has told them that by reaching out and simply asking others, things can be accomplished that might not have been thought possible!).
So for Teacher Martin and her group, and indeed for all our readers, here’s the link which I feel will be of interest: https://store.intellaliftparts.com/c/history-of-the-wheel.html