Under the excellent Classic Car Loan Project (CCLP) a TR7 has been entrusted to a young driver to use for the next year…
They tell us:
(All words and photographs from the Classic Car Loan Project).
A beautifully prepared 1980 Triumph TR7 was handed over to a young driver for a year- long loan experience as part of the Classic Car Loan Project (CCLP).
In front of hundreds of TR Register members at a TR Register event at the Great British Car Journey (Derby) Oliver received the car keys in obvious delight and anticipation of a wonderful year ahead.
The TR7 had been languishing unused for many years until the owner decided to donate the car to the TR Register with the intention of the car being put to use again in the CCLP.
The Register team engaged specialist restorers to thoroughly overhaul the car mechanically ready for the TR team to put on some hundreds of shakedown miles to ensure reliability.
As an apprentice at the Heritage Skills Academy, Oliver will be able to take good care of the car and, in any case, has a club support/mentor throughout the year as well as good insurance cover provided by Peter James Insurance.
TR Chairman Allan Westbury said, “This is a great day for Oliver and the club. Encouraging the next generation is vital… for all clubs. We look forward to following Oliver’s exploits through the year. We will have a surprise for another young driver at the NEC too!”
CCLP director Bob Wilkinson was “…Delighted to have partnered the TR Register in this initiative as they have invested much time , effort and money into making this lovely sports car available for Oliver …with more to come too!”
The successful CCLP has around 20 classic cars currently with young drivers with more in the pipeline for future phases.
Can your club offer a car? Could you be driving away in one of the CCLP cars soon?
Details on Facebook and website http://classiccarloanproject.co.uk/