A great atmosphere, amidst classic parts and cars galore, by Kim Henson

Held on 7th and 8th September, this year’s Beaulieu International Autojumble, sponsored by ‘Practical Classics’ magazine, attracted a sell-out in terms of fascinating stalls, and some 37,553 visitors flocked to see the classic components and vehicles on offer.
The weather was ‘sunshine and showers’, but the rain, when it did show its ugly face, did not dampen the spirits of the stallholders and buyers, nor did it affect the positive, upbeat feel of the event.
As always, I was pleased to attend (in fact I haven’t missed a September-held ‘Beaulieu Autojumble’ since 1978!) and I, like so many others, found that the Autojumble yielded many parts required for my restoration projects and older vehicles still used regularly.
In addition, for those in the market for a ‘new’ old vehicle, there was a wide variety of vehicles for sale in the Beaulieu Arena, located between the National Motor Museum buildings and the Autojumble fields. Yes I was seriously tempted by some fresh classic metal, but in this area I managed to keep my wallet in my pocket…
I felt good vibes about this year’s Autojumble from stallholders and attendees alike. Speaking personally, I always have a wonderful time when visiting the Beaulieu events (not just to buy bits and pieces, but also due to meeting up with like-minded souls and talking ‘old cars’!), and every year look forward to the next one.
Next year’s (2014) Beaulieu Autojumble will take place over the weekend of 6th and 7th September. In the meantime, the 21st Spring Autojumble will happen on 17th and 18th May 2014. If you have never been before, it’s worth going, even if you don’t actually own an old car, if only to soak up the atmosphere.
For more information on these and all the other events at the National Motor Museum, please go to: www.beaulieuevents.co.uk