If you are own, or are interested in buying, an Austin A30 or A35, or are just fascinated by the vehicles, this book may be useful and enjoyable for you… says Kim.
Okay I’ll declare an interest at once – since I wrote this book and it was a labour of love, taking six years to put together.
Several ‘Wheels-Alive’ readers have been in touch to ask if this Austin book is still available; the answer is ‘yes’, while stocks last… The book is not available in shops but if you are interested in buying, for more details please e-mail me via the Wheels-Alive website.
Here’s what it’s all about (please see below)… and yes I know I am biased, but thankfully the book has been well-received by many buyers of it, who tell me that they have found it useful in their ownership of these small classic Austins.
Normal price is £23.95 plus £4.00 post and packing for U.K. buyers, but until 31st December is available for £24.00 including U.K. First Class postage (for buying from overseas, please contact me for current postage rates). (Note: We realise that currently there may be postal delays).
“Widely hailed as a ‘definitive’ book about the classic British Austin A30 and A35 cars, containing historical, technical and maintenance information, as well as sections devoted to the sheer fun of owning these diminutive but big-hearted, friendly Austins.
An IDEAL PRESENT for someone else or to buy just for your own interest/enjoyment. ‘Accessible Classics’ – No. 1 – Austin A30/A35; ‘Enjoying Your Austin’ – This is a new, unused copy of the first, Collector’s Edition of the highly regarded ‘Enjoying Your Austin’ book on the A30/A35, written by Kim Henson. The hardback book (with colour throughout) is 224 pages long and contains over 430 photographs. It has received a multitude of enthusiastic press reviews, and those who have already bought copies have spoken highly of it.
The all-colour book, which was written in a ‘user-friendly’ style, for enthusiasts by an enthusiast who for many years has been passionate about these cars, was produced using very high quality ‘heavyweight’ materials. It was deliberately written, printed and published in England; indeed it was entirely ‘Made in England’, just like the cars to which it relates.
It contains comprehensive information in separate chapters on:
- History, specifications and performance.
- Character, driving and practicality.
- Buying.
- Maintenance/looking after your vehicle.
- MoT Test.
- Rustproofing.
- Modifications.
- Enjoying/having fun with your Austin.
- Restoration stories to inspire.
There are also three ‘Appendix’ sections:
- Identify your car.
- Specialist suppliers.
- Contemporary rival models from other manufacturers.”